The Precepts

/The Precepts
The Precepts 2017-09-11T16:23:03+00:00

The Five Precepts: An Ancient Gift

The Buddha taught us that virtue is the foundation for all of the good qualities we can develop in the mind. By following five basic training rules we can eliminate worry and regret that disturbs our meditation. As well, we avoid all the unpleasant results of unwholesome actions.

These are the five basic moral rules the Buddha asked his lay disciples to follow:

1. I observe the precept of abstaining from killing living beings. This means not intentionally causing the death of any living beings.
2. I observe the precept of abstaining from stealing. This means not taking things that do not belong to us.
3. I observe the precept of abstaining from abstaining from sexual misconduct. This means not having sex with people we are not married to or with people against their will.
4. I observe the precept of abstaining from telling lies. This means saying what is true at the proper time.
5. I observe the precept of abstaining from using intoxicating drinks and drugs. By following this precept, we are committed to having a clear mind at all times.

Buddhists will usually remind themselves of their commitment to keep these precepts by reciting them once a day. They also take the precepts when they come to a monastery.

When we realize we have broken a precept, we can immediately make the determination to follow it in the future. The Buddha taught us that even this intention is extremely powerful.

It is important when we have doubts about the precepts to ask a knowledgeable good friend so we can have confidence in our actions. Sometimes we think we have broken a precept when we really haven’t. Sometimes we even think it is impossible to keep the precepts because of some misunderstanding.

Even though it is sometimes difficult to keep the precepts, especially at the beginning, we will quickly see the benefits. When we meditate our minds won’t be troubled by worry and regret. When we think about the many bad results we have avoided by keeping the precepts, we will have a tremendous gratitude for the compassion of our teacher, the Supreme Buddha.

The Eight Precepts: Imitating the Enlightened Ones

The Buddha encouraged his lay disciples to follow extra training rules as often as they could. They are an enhanced version of the five precepts they follow every day.
The Eight Precepts:

1. Abstaining from killing
2. Abstaining from stealing
3. Abstaining from sexual activity
4. Abstaining from telling lies
5. Abstaining from using intoxicating drinks and drugs
6. Abstaining from eating after noon
7. Abstaining from entertainment and beautifying the body
8. Abstaining from using luxurious furniture

We follow these precepts thinking, “The fully enlightened disciples of the Buddha followed these precepts for their entire lives. Let us, imitate these great beings for this day.”
Lay people can follow these precepts as often as they like. Traditionally, Buddhists come together to observe these precepts, listen to teachings, and practice meditation on the full and new moon days.

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Buddhism is a philosophy that clearly shows the Path to liberation for all. This doctrine, perfect and consistent in the beginning, in the middle and in the end, can be realized in this life itself.


Everything we teach comes from the ancient sermons taught by Gautama Buddha and his enlightened disciples that lived with him. They have been preserved in the Sutta Pitaka by the Theravada Buddhist tradition.


We are part of the oldest living Buddhist tradition in the world, Theravada. The teachings come from the Buddha named Sidhartha Gautama, often referred to as the historical Buddha. He was born in India over 2,500 years ago and discovered not only the cause of suffering in the world, but the way to completely eliminate all forms of suffering, large and small.


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